Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • Introduction From Brittnay to Remote Work Mastery
    • Warm Welcome from Brittnay
    • Who is this designed for?
    • What will you get from this course?
    • Why is this course valuable?
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    Introduction to Remote Work

    • What Is Remote Work?
    • Is Remote Work for You?
    • Pros and Cons of Remote Work
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    The New Work Possibilities

    • Old" jobs that transitioned
    • "New" jobs - out there for taking!
    • Generic vs specific. What is best?
  • 4

    Self Assessment: Better Understanding What You Can Offer

    • Understanding your goals
    • Self-assessment: what can you offer to clients/ employees
    • Side hustle or full-time occupation?
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    Setting Yourself Up for Success

    • Infrastructure. What do I need to get started?
    • Making use of what you have at home
    • Distractions. How to avoid them?
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    • Benefits, challenges and how to overcome them
    • Becoming a digital entrepreneur
    • Sustaining Growth in Digital Entrepreneurship
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    Freelancer: Providing independent services

    • Why try freelancing?
    • What kinds of services can a freelancer provide?
    • Where to find freelancing opportunities
    • Where to find Freelancing Opportunities
    • Finding balance: how much CAN I work?
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    Working and Travelling

    • Internet connection
    • Considering Time zones
    • Diversity
    • Pre-travel considerations
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    Tools of The Trade

    • The importance of establishing (and following) a routine
    • Online tools to help you organize your new routine
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    Wrap-up. Are you ready to embrace change?

    • Keeping your goals in mind, and taking action to achive them
    • Reinventing yourself: an antidote to boredom
    • Work hard, but take care of yourself
    • What to Do Now?